‘A Singing heart’

Written by “Artistry V”



I was created to worship you, God.
An instrument made by your hands.
An instrument to be used for Your Praise and Glory.

As an instrument,
my life reflects as piano keys and strings that have been broken.

Nevertheless, the perfect pitch of the heart continues to sing out!
It sings through shattered pieces in search of divine wholeness.
It sings through pain for complete healing.

Beyond the tears, the melody within my heart bridges over those troubled waters.
It soars like an eagle emulating the good news.

What a combination, a heart beating in perfect rhythm to a divine melody.
A heart as a heavenly symphony created for a great purpose.

Use me as your instrument, for I was created to worship YOU!
You have planted a song within me that the angels cannot chant, nor the sparrow sing…

I am your Singing Heart!